Entry conditions For enterprises (projects) that are registered worldwide, have independent legal personality or are not actually registered in the local area, but intend to land in Yangpu within 6 months. 1)The establishment time of the en
MORE+In 2020, the Fifth Star ofStart-upsGlobal Contestwill collect 1000 domestic and foreign talent innovation and entrepreneurship projects, recruit 50 professional investment institutions, 50 professional judges, set and select more than 100aw
MORE+Yangpu District is the first batchand the only national innovation and entrepreneurship regional demonstration base in Shanghai. In order to respond to the mass entrepreneurship and innovation strategy proposed by the CPC Central Committee
MORE+(一)参赛条件 面向在全球范围内工商注册登记、具有独立法人资格或未在本地实际注册落地,但6个月内拟落地杨浦的企业(项目)。 1、企业(项目)成立时间不超过5年(2015年1月
MORE+本期【归星说】的主人公 来自归心谷入驻企业 开源智造咨询有限公司 在介绍之前,我们先来了解一下 什么是Odoo软件? Odoo由OpenERP发展而来,有一套完整的业务应用,满足所有的企业